The Royal History of Pre-Lit Christmas Trees: From Medieval Times to Flocked Beauties

The Royal History of Pre-Lit Christmas Trees: From Medieval Times to Flocked Beauties

Why Pre-Lit Christmas Trees Are Rooted in Medieval Times

The tradition of lighting up Christmas trees dates back to medieval times when it was expected to use candles to decorate the trees. However, this practice was dangerous and often led to fires. It was in the 19th century that electric lights were invented, making it safer to light up Christmas trees. The first pre lit Christmas tree was introduced in the 1920s and quickly gained popularity as people sought a more convenient and safer way to decorate their trees.

Pre-lit Christmas trees come with built-in lights that are evenly spaced around the tree. They eliminate the need for tangled cords and the hassle of attaching strand after strand of lights. Pre-lit trees also offer the option to switch between different lighting modes, making creating different ambiances for different occasions easy.

Flocking and Royalty: How Flocked Pre-Lit Christmas Trees Came to Be

Flocked pre-lit Christmas trees are a newer version of pre-lit trees that are becoming increasingly popular. These trees are coated in a white, fluffy material resembling snow. Flocking originated in the 1800s when it was used to create artificial snow for the entertainment industry. It was in the 1950s that flocking was used to develop flocked Christmas trees prelit.

Flocked trees have a unique look and feel that differentiates them from traditional trees. They offer a sense of elegance, luxury, and magic that appeals to many. Flocked pre-lit Christmas trees are perfect for those who want to experience the beauty of a winter wonderland without the cold or the mess. They are also ideal for those who want to add a touch of royalty to their holiday décor.

Kings and queens have been decorating trees for centuries. Queen Victoria is credited with popularizing the Christmas tree in the UK when she decorated one with ornate decorations in the 1840s. Since then, the royal family has continued decorating trees yearly, often with elaborate themes and decorations. Flocked pre-lit trees allow people to emulate the elegant, regal look of royal Christmas trees in their homes.

In conclusion, pre-lit Christmas trees have come a long way since their medieval origins, and flocked pre-lit trees add an extra layer of elegance and luxury to holiday décor. Whether you want to emulate the look of royal Christmas trees or avoid the hassle of tangled cords, a pre-lit tree is a convenient and beautiful option.